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Ixim Spirit of Solidarity

Founded in 2001

Ixim Spirit of Solidarity is a transnational ministry that fosters mutually enriching Christian relationships between the people of Nebraska and Guatemala through sharing of our humanity, faith and resources. Ixim, pronounced "ee-sheem", is the Mayan word for corn, a staple of Guatemala and a livelihood of Nebraska. This represents the common goal of forming relationships between the people of the Archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska, and the Diocese of Huehuetenango, Guatemala.

Organization Type

Medical Focus

  • Primary Care

Focus Areas

  • Water Sanitation Hygiene

Countries We Work In:

  • Guatemala

Typical Number of Trips Per Year


Does your organization have experience responding to humanitarian emergencies and natural disasters?


Contact Details

Contact Name: Kristine McVea,

Role/Title/Position: Medical Team Leader


Telephone: 402-320-8803


2502 Garden Rd, Omaha, NE 68124, US
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