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Israel/Gaza Conflict: Americares is responding

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Assessing the Impact of Your Work

Monitoring and evaluation of your work is essential. A thoughtful evaluation will help you understand progress against goals, document program impact and provide evidence to guide program design and implementation improvements. Monitoring and evaluating health outcomes over time will inform future outreach and partnership priorities. Resources include information on implementing careful record keeping, feedback mechanisms and reporting for ongoing quality improvements.

Resources for Monitoring and Evaluation

Find resources for monitoring and evaluating health outcomes, learn how to integrate data collection in your work, impact measurement in emergencies and use of evidence in decision making.

Basic Biostatistics Concepts and Tools (Williams, FIU Robert Stemple College of Public Health and Social Work)

Capacity-Building Guidance (Norem and McCorkle, American Red Cross, Catholic Relief Services, USAID)

Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS)

Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) – The Use of Evidence in Humanitarian Decision-making

Global Surgical Initiatives to Reduce the Surgical Burden of Disease (University of California – Davis, 2012)

Guide to the 2010 HAP Standard in Accountability and Quality Management See especially pp. 28-53 for useful checklists

Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI) – Evaluation and Implementation Science

Health Impact Assessment and Short-term Medical Missions: A Methods Study to Evaluate Quality of Care (Harvard, 2008)

InProgress – Integrated Monitoring

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

Integrating Data Demand and Use into a Monitoring and Evaluations Training Course Training Tool Kit

Introduction to Basic Data Analysis and Interpretation for Health Programs: A Training Tool Kit

Perceptions of Short-term Medical Volunteer Work: A Qualitative Study in Guatemala (University of Colorado, 2009)

Plastic Surgery Education Foundation / Volunteers in Plastic Surgery – Guidelines for the (Surgical) Care of Children in the Less Developed World

The Global Health Network – Process Map

UNDP Monitoring and Evaluation Training Guide


A Guide to Statistical Methods for Program Impact Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation Systems and Tools

Training Courses

Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics – Ethical Challenges in Short-term Global Health Training

Northwestern University Evidence Based Behavioral Practice On-line Training Modules

USAID Measure Courses and Resources