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Israel/Gaza Conflict: Americares is responding

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Building In-Country Partnerships

Partnership is critical for effective medical outreach and sustainable programs. Find resources to create strong, mutually beneficial partnerships to achieve desired health outcomes. Find guidelines for sustainable partnerships, public-private collaboration as well as ethical considerations for medical outreach practices.

Share resources you find useful, contribute to and review our blog, and submit your organization’s profile.  

Guiding Principles for Sustainable Partnerships

Sustainable Partnerships

A Model for Sustainable Short-term International Medical Trips  (U Washington, 2007)

Building Partnerships in the Americas: A Guide for Global Health Workers, by Margo J. Krasnoff, MD, ed.

Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research – Building Respectful and Collaborative Partnerships

Community Tool Box – Toolkits

Global Health Nursing: Building and Sustaining Partnerships

Health COMpass – Capacity Strengthening Tools  (multiple topics)

Health Education Program for Developing Countries – Evidence-Based Community Health Screening and Education Guidelines (English, French, Khmer, Mandarin, Spanish)

International Partnerships for Strengthening Health Care Workforce Capacity: Models of Collaborative Education, Health Volunteers Overseas, Ed. Leffers, Audette, Hardwick, Van Cleve

Open Educational Resources (OER) Africa: Journal Articles – Lessons Learned About Coordinating Academic Partnerships from an International Network for Health Education (Airong Luo and Kathleeen Ludwig Omollo)

Royal College of Physicians and the Academy of Medical Sciences – Building Institutions through Equitable Partnerships in Global Health

The Center for Global Health and Diplomacy – Digital Editions of Global Health and Diplomacy (Various articles including “A Call to Action on Community Health Workers”)

The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine – Exploring Lessons Learned From Partnerships to Improve Global Health and Safety: Workshop in Brief

The Shoulder to Shoulder Model – Channeling Medical Volunteerism Toward Sustainable Health Change (UNC, 2007)

Unite For Sight

International Development and Capacity Building

Partnering with Local Communities

World Economic Forum – Guiding Principles for Public-Private Collaboration for Humanitarian Action

Finding a Partner

Ethical Considerations in Medical Outreach